The 2024 Tasmanian Creative Industries ‘Diemen Awards’ was held recently at the Hedberg in Hobart, where IIT CEO Phillip ’Sunny’ Drury presented David Abramov with his Emerging Talent Inclusive Work Award for a person living with a disability or neurodiversity.

A packed theatre of industry professionals, supporters and friends watched and cheered on as a new emerging participant in the creative community was acknowledged. David’s passion is graphic design and is currently studying at TasTAFE, and was overjoyed to receive the award.
IIT will now help David increase his industry knowledge with a mentoring program where he’ll learn firsthand the relevant skills and methods in developing his portfolio and professional experience, and hopefully secure an employment opportunity in the future.
IIT is a proud sponsor of the Award which is identifying and supporting talent who would not necessarily be visible or have ready access to industry opportunities without this initiative. Over the last four years, the Award has continued to attract support throughout the mainstream, inclusion and support sector landscape.
All nominees are invited to actively join the creative arts community and attend social events and the awards night to connect with industry peers.
We congratulate David on his resilience and persistence in achieving this well-earned recognition.
And if you know of anyone living with a disability or neurodiversity with a ‘hidden’ talent and/or would benefit from connecting with more likeminded people in pursuing their creative endeavours, please email to start a conversation.